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Q: What are parachute suspension lines made of?
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If the diameter of an open parachute is 15 ft and the distance from the parachute to the center of the diameter is 8 ft what is the length of the suspension line?


What material do they use in parachutes?

Parachutes are most commonly made of nylon. The term "ripstop nylon" used to be applied to the construction materials, but any more, it is "nylon" from which almost all chutes are made. During WWII parachutes were made of silk as nylon wasn't around yet.

Why are the last 12 inches of the front brake lines made of rubber?

To allow for steering and suspension movement.

Does his parachute design look practical?

the parachute was made by Jake parasuit

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What was the first parachute made of please I need it for school?

Blanchard developed the first foldable parachute made from silk.

The big piece of cloth on a parachute is called what?

The parachute canopy is made up of panels.

Is a parachute made of polyester?


How do brake lines from the master cylinder accommodate the fact that the wheel can move in relation to the body?

The brake lines must be able to transmit considerable hydraulic pressure, so they are mostly made of steel. However, a flexible section must be included between the body and suspension to allow for steering and suspension movement

How many static lines connect to a parachute?

There is just one 'static line' which is connected to the pin (what holds the container closed) and then connected to the d-bag which the parachute is packed into.

What are the structural components of a hemisphere design parachute?

A hemisphere design parachute typically consists of a canopy made of two semi-circular panels sewn together, a suspension line system connecting the canopy to the harness, a deployment bag to contain the parachute during packing, and a pilot chute used to deploy the main canopy. The parachute design ensures efficient deployment and proper inflation for a safe descent.

Who made pyramid parachute?

Leonardo de Vinci