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Q: What are the disadvantages of curved sea wall?
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Why the sea wall curved?

the curved sea wall deflects waves from getting onto shore

What is a curved sea wall called?

There is no special name for a curved sea wall. These sea walls are simply labeled as curved and serve the purpose of reflecting a waves energy back to the sea.

How do you use curved in a sentence?

The road curved to the right ahead of them. It was a curved wall, rather than straight.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of splash walls?

there is no such thing - just another name for sea wall as it simply 'stops splashes of water' ...

Is a level line curved or straight?

A level line is based on altitude. Altitude is the distance from sea level. Sea level is curved to the shape of the earth so a level line must be curved.

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What is a sea wall?

A sea wall is a barrier typically made of concrete or stone that is built along coastlines to protect the land from erosion caused by waves and currents. Sea walls help prevent flooding and damage to coastal properties by reflecting wave energy back towards the sea.

What is sea wall?

A sea wall is a wall or embankment erected to prevent the sea from encroaching on or eroding an area of land.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of sea wall?

advantages are that Recurved walls are used to reduce the effect that waves can have upon the land

What are the disadvantages of the sea wall?

Erosion will occur eventually, the water will eventually break through the sea wall and start eroding the houses built behind it. Sea walls are also very expensive to build, they take up a lot of the money from the local government, which means that taxes will increase for the residents in that particular area.

When was The Sea Wall created?

The Sea Wall was created in 2008.

What sea borders the Great Wall of China?

No sea borders the Great Wall of China. The Great Wall of China is on land, facing toward Mongolia. The nearest sea to the Great Wall of China is the Yellow Sea.