

What are the three odd prime numbers?

Updated: 8/17/2020
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10y ago

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The question, "the" three odd prime numbers, is wrong. There are much more than three odd prime numbers - in fact, infinitely many. There are infinitely many prime numbers, and all except the number 2 are odd.

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Q: What are the three odd prime numbers?
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The sum of three odd numbers will be odd, whether they are prime or not. The sum of three prime numbers can be even as long as one of them is 2.

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That isn't possible. The sum of three odd numbers will always be odd. You can make the sum of 3 prime numbers equal to 32 if one of them is 2 (which is not odd).

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3, 5 and 7 are consecutive odd prime numbers.

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No because 2 is an even number which is also a Prime number that has only two factors which are itself and one.

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Three prime numbers whose sum is 42 are 23, 17 and 2

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All prime numbers are odd, exept of the first prime number 2.

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