

What baseball players have injuries due to baseball?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What baseball players have injuries due to baseball?
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Yes, they would all be sports where players do get injuries.

Why don't baseball players rub their injuries?

It is an "unwritten rule" of baseball, much like not talking to a pitcher during a no-hitter. It is most likely a show of masculinity. Players who over-react or rub their injuries, usually after hit by a pitch, are often mocked and teased by their team-mates, albeit in a good-natured way.

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Female basketball players tend to be more prone to knee injuries than males are due?

Female basketball players tend to be more prone to knee injuries than males due to anatomical and biomechanical differences, such as wider hips leading to increased stress on the knees. Hormonal fluctuations and muscle imbalances may also contribute to the higher injury rates in females. Proper conditioning, strength training, and neuromuscular training can help reduce the risk of knee injuries in female basketball players.

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Baseball injuries

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What genital protection do football players use in the NFL?

Nothing. The only protective gear allowed are shin guards, soft rubber helmets for players with cranial injuries, facial restrictors for players with nasal injuries and arm guards for players with broken arms.

Why is documentation important for athletic trainers?

Athletic trainers in any sport are required to keep a teams players healthy. They treat minor injuries and have doctors work with players on major injuries. The trainer needs accurate records on the physical nature of the players on the team and an accurate record of each player's injuries in order to: A. give them to a physician for all types of medical reasons; and B. have the team be aware of injuries that either allow a player to play (minor injuries ) or the reverse. This is because many players will hide their injuries to avoid not being called on to play.

Whats the average amount NBA injuries per year?

There is no specific average number of NBA injuries reported annually, as the number can vary greatly from season to season. Injuries are a common occurrence in professional sports due to the physical demands of the game. Teams, players, and coaches work to prevent and manage injuries through training, conditioning, and medical support.

Outline the kind of safety aids that players in a range of sports might use to prevent injuries?

equipment wise there are: helmets (football, baseball/softball ,hockey, lacrosse) men usually wear cups soccer and field hockey there are shin guards baseball players wear guards when hitting to protect the side facing th pitcher football, hockey, and lacrosse players wear all types of padding volleyball players sometimes wear pads on their knees field hockey and female lacrosse players wear eye masks strething can be considered an aid for preventing injuries