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Q: What closed figure had 4 sides of equal length and 4 right angles?
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What closed figure makes up four equal angles?

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What is a square in comparison to a triangle?

A square is 4 sided with sides of equal length and angles of equal measure A triangle is a three sided CLOSED figure

What Angles on a eight sided object?

Eight sided closed figure with equal length of all the sides is called Octagon. Measure of every angle of Octagon is 45.

A triangle is a what with three sides and three angles?

If you mean EQUAL sides and angles, than an equilateral triangle.

What is the term for a figure that has all sides are equal in length and opposite angles are congruent?

It is a Rhombus.

What is the shapes of a cube?

A cube has six equal square faces. All of its angles are right angles and its edges are all of equal length.

What plane figure has 4 sides of equal length and 4 right angles?

A perfect square Four 90 degree angles and four equal sides

Properties of a square?

Four sided figure. All sides are the same length. All angles are equal. Four right angles. Both diagonals are equal.

What angles does a parallogram have?

A parallelogram is a four-sided figure with opposite sides of equal length and angles not equal to 90 degrees (otherwise it would be a rectangle). Diagonally opposite angles will be equal, and adjacent angles will add up to 180 degrees.

What is a decagon and a polygon?

A decagon is a ten sided figure (usually a regular ten sided figure with all interior angles equal and all sides equal in length) A polygon is a closed planar figure bounded on all sides by straight lines. A polygon can have any number (greater than two) of sides.

What does square and non square mean?

A square is a closed plane figure bounded by 4 straight lines which are of equal length and which meet one another at right angles. Anything else is non-square.

What does regular and irregular mean?

A regular polygon (a closed plane figure of straight lines) has all equal angles and all equal side lengths. For example, a square is a regular quadrilateral, because it's four edges are all the same length, and it's angles are all equal (90 degrees). A regular triangle is an equilateral triangle.An irregular polygon does not have equal sides and angles. N.B to be regular, a polygon must have both equal sides and equal angles. If a polygon has equal sides but unequal angles it is not a regular polygon.