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Q: What event are in the London 2012 summer Olympics?
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Where are the 2012 Summer Olympics going to be?

The 2012 Summer Olympics are going to be held in London.

What division was introduced in London Olympics 2012?

Women's boxing was introduced as a new event for the 2012 Summer Olympic Games

When will be the next Olympics?

In the summer of 2012, in London, England In the summer of 2012, in London, England

Are you going to have the Olympics in London?

The 2012 Summer Olympics will be held in London.

Where are the Olympics after China?

The summer Olympics are in London 2012.

How long will the 2012 London Olympics be?

the olympics are on for 1 month in the summer in england london 2012

Where summer Olympics in 2012?


When were the London summer Olympics?


Where will Olympics be held in 2012?

The 2012 Summer Olympics will be held in London, UK.

What day Is the opening ceremony for the London 2012 summer Olympics?

The opening ceremony of the London 2012 summer Olympics is today, July 27, 2012.

What city hosted the 2010 Olympics?

There is no 2010 Summer Olympics. The Olympics in 2010 was a Winter Olympics that took place in Vancouver, BC, Canada. The next summer Olympics after the 2010 Winter Olympics is the 2012 Summer Olympics in London.

Where are the 2010 summer Olympics?

The 2010 summer Olympics are in London , England in 2012.