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Unfortunately the Raid on Dieppe in 1942 holds the key to the question. It was obvious that the Allies could not capture a French Port intact during an invasion. The eventual Operation Overlord was a huge venture, but it remains a fact that the Allies were using the artificial 'Mulberry' harbour on the invasion beach itself right up to the point when Antwerp was taken in September of 1944. As much as Stalin chided the British & Americans to join in the efforts against the Axis (Making no mention of just what they were doing in Italy) it did not detract from the strategic efforts the Allies were making in the air war against the German cities & industries & war production. (Despite its lack of effect) It was obvious that the Allies had only one chance to invade France, it had to be right first time. And, of course, it was amphibious. meanwhile on the huge, vast eastern front the Russians reclaim Russia, the Ukraine & Belorusse. And as they march inexorably toward Berlin it will take them a generation to go home again.

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Q: What extent were disagreements over the timing of a second front the main cause of the disputes between the USSR the US and UK during world war 2?
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The bank war of the 1830s was to a large extent?

a personal struggle for power between Andrew Jackson and Nicholas Biddle.

Why did anschluss fail in 1934?

Hitler tried Anschluss with Austria in 1934, however was stopped by Italy's Mussolini, who told Hitler that if he took one step into the country, he would take military action on him. However this was during a time when relations between Hitler and Mussolini were poor, in 1936 the Rome-Berlin Axis Pact considerably improved relations between Germany and Italy, and by 1938 relationships had improved to such an extent that Mussolin permitted Hitler's Anschluss with Austria.

Is the cold war another name for the Civil War?

Two separate things. The cold war was a state of mistrust and intense spying between the US and the USSR, and to a lesser extent, China. no it is not, The cold war was between Russia and America, The civil war is Northern America vs Southern America

How did civilians travel internationally during World War 2?

International travel became very difficult during World War 2. On the whole both sides respected neutral shipping. So, if you were travelling from Germany to the US in 1941 (before Pearl Harbor) you would probably travel by rail through France and Spain to Portugal and board a ship for the US in Lisbon. To some extent, shipping between some of the belligerent countries and neutral was respected by both sides. Sweden became an important transit centre, for example. Civil aircraft flying between Britain and Sweden and between Germany and Sweden were respected by both sides. Some refugees from Nazi Germany had to take unusual routes in order to get out. Take, for example, a refugee leaving Germany in 1940 for Uruguay. He travellled across the Soviet Union by rail to Vladivostock, then on from there by ship across the Pacific and through the Panama Canal and on to Montevideo. What a journey!

What were airplanes used for during the 1920s?

To a limited extent for passenger transport. But most planes were light aircraft, so their use for mail transport was much more important in those early days.

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