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1/32 of the original amount.

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Q: What half-life of C14 is 5730 years. What fraction of the original C14 would you expect to be present in a fossil that is 28650 years old?
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What fraction of the original C14 would you expect to be present in a fossil that is 28650 years old?


What fraction of the original C14 would you expect to be present in a fossil that is 28 650 years old?


The half-life of C14 is 5730 years. What fraction of the original C14 would you expect to be present in a fossil that is 28650 years old?

There would be 1/32 left.

What fraction of the original c14 would you expect to be present in a fossil that is twenty eight thousand six hundred and fifty years old?

The half-life of C14 is 5730 years so the given period is 5 half-lives. You should, therefore, expect approx 2-5 = 0.03125 of the original C14 to remain.

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What fraction of the original C14 would you expect to present in a fossil that is 28650 years old?

Lets see: 28,650 - 5700 = 22,950; 1/2 22,950 - 5700 = 17,250; 1/4 17,250 - 5700 = 11,550; 1/8 11,550 - 5700 = 5,850; 1/16 5,850 - 5700 = 150; 1/32 (That is so close it is the answer.)

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