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I think it's a repeating decimal.

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Q: What is a rational number in decimal form that has a finite number of digits after the decimal point?
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A number with a finite number of decimal digits is always rational. (If the number of decimal digits is infinite, the number is rational only if there is a repeating pattern.)

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ANY number with a finite amount of decimal digits is rational.

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Any number with a finite number of decimal digits is RATIONAL.

How is a decimal a rational number?

A decimal is a rational number if:* It terminates - i.e., it has a finite number of decimal digits. * It doesn't terminate, but it repeats the same pattern over and over - possibly after a finite number of digits that are not included in the pattern. For example, 0.145145145145..., or 3.125252525...

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No. Any number which has a finite number of decimal digits is RATIONAL.

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ANY number that has a finite number of digits after the decimal point is rational.

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ANY number that has a finite number of decimal digits is RATIONAL.

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No. And in general, if a number has a finite number of decimal digits, it is rational.If it has an infinite number of digits, it may be rational or irrational.

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If the number of digits after the decimal point is finite, then the number will always be RATIONAL.

Why is a decimal rational?

Some decimals are rational, and some aren't. A decimal is rational when it terminates or repeats.