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The circumference of a circle would be needed as for example when constructing a circular swimming pool.

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Q: What is a situation where you would need to know the circumference of a circle?
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In a circle the circumference and diameter vary directly Which of the following equations would allow you to find the diameter of a circle with a circumference of 154 if you know that in a second ci?

In a circle, the circumference and diameter vary directly. Which of the following equations would allow you to find the diameter of a circle with a circumference of 154 if you know that in a second circle the diameter is 14 when the circumference is 44?

Why would you need to find the circumference of a circle?

As for example when constructing a round-about on a road you'll need to know its perimeter which is the circumference of a circle.

When you know the circumference of a circle how do you find the diameter?

If you know the circumference of a circle, you can find the radius by dividing the circumference by the value of Pi (3.14159...)

How do you find the perimeter if you already know the circumference of a circle?

The circumference of a circle is the length of the circle's perimeter.

How do you fund the circumference of circle when you know the area?

You dived the area by the circumference of the circle.

How would you find the circumfrence of a circle?

If you know the diameter of the circle, multiply that by Pi (about 3.1416). The result is the circumference.

How dou find diameter?

You measure it. If you know the radius (of a circle), you multiply it by 2 to get the diameter. If you know the circumference of a circle, you divide by pi to get the diameter.You measure it. If you know the radius (of a circle), you multiply it by 2 to get the diameter. If you know the circumference of a circle, you divide by pi to get the diameter.You measure it. If you know the radius (of a circle), you multiply it by 2 to get the diameter. If you know the circumference of a circle, you divide by pi to get the diameter.You measure it. If you know the radius (of a circle), you multiply it by 2 to get the diameter. If you know the circumference of a circle, you divide by pi to get the diameter.

If you know the circumference of a circle how do you get the diameter?

Divide the circumference by pi.

how to find radius of circle if you know equation?

To calculate the radius of a circle by using the circumference, take the circumference of the circle and divide it by 2 times π. For a circle with a circumference of 15, you would divide 15 by 2 times 3.14 and round the decimal point to your answer of approximately 2.39

How do you find the diameter of a circle if you know the circumference?

Divide the known circumference by pi to find the diameter of the circle.

What is a rule to describe how to estimate the circumference of a circle when you know its diameter?

The circumference, C, of a circle is given by the formula

What formula do you use if you know the diameter of a circle and want to find the circumference?

circumference of a circle = pi * diameter.