

What is goal tending in polocrosse?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Goal tending is when a person stands between the goal posts with a racquet and catches the ball when someone tries to score a goal. If they score then the goal tender holds their racquet straight up in the air. If the miss then the goal tender waves the racquet from side to side.

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if the shot is on the way down and a player swats the ball. also imagine the rim as a tube up to the ceiling, if the ball is in that cylinder on the rim and a player grabs the ball it is also goal tending.

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How much is a Polocrosse Horse worth?

any where from one thousand to ten thousand but you have to look i got my horses for one thousand and she was one of the best polo horses in America and better for polocrosse

What is goldtending?

I think u mean goal tending its a goalie pretty much like in soccer hockey or lacrosse

Im not allowed to do polocrosse what do you do?

Polocrosse is a sport on Horseback combined between Polo and lacrosse. There is 3 people per team. There are 3 positions. Position 1 you would shoot and are aloud in the D. Position 2 you stay near the center and get the ball to number 1. Position 3, you defend the goal. It is a dangerous sport depending on what grade you play. primary juniors and juniors are not dangerous but when you get to higher grades such as A grade, it can be very dangerous. Make sure you have the right equipment and wear a polocrosse helmet. Check you have a horse which is used to the sticks in their face and is suitable for your role.

What is a standup goalie?

A "Stand-up" Goalie refers to the style of goal-tending in which the goalie prefers to make saves standing when possible.

How many people play polocrosse on a worldwide basis?

less than 10,000 people

If goal tending is legal what sport is that?

Hockey, Soccer, Lacrosse, and other team sports that use a goaltender. The Goaltender stay in front of a big net and tries to stop the other team from scoring on his teams goal.