

What is shapes of distribution?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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6y ago

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It is any shape that you want, provided that the total area under the curve is 1.

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Q: What is shapes of distribution?
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You cannot. There are hundreds of different distributions. The shapes of the distributions depend on their parameters so that the same distribution can be symmetric when the parameters have some specific value, but is highly skewed - in either direction - for other values.

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Peter John Taylor has written: 'Distances within shapes' -- subject(s): Distribution (Probability theory), Geography, Mathematical, Mathematical geography 'Numeracy and physics'

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A circle,An ellipse, A sphere,A normal (Gaussian) distribution.A circle,An ellipse, A sphere,A normal (Gaussian) distribution.A circle,An ellipse, A sphere,A normal (Gaussian) distribution.A circle,An ellipse, A sphere,A normal (Gaussian) distribution.

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There are infinitely many such shapes. There are infinitely many such shapes. There are infinitely many such shapes. There are infinitely many such shapes.

What are 2D shapes?

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What are 2d-shapes?

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