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Q: What is the introduction of swan lake ballet?
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A famous ballet is Swan?

Swan Lake is a famous ballet by Tchaikowsky.

What was Swan Lake?

Swan lake is a well known ballet!

Who are the swan lake dancers?

Dancers who perform in the ballet 'Swan Lake'.

Was the play swan lake ever on braodway?

No. Swan Lake is not a play, it is a ballet.

What genre is swan lake?

It is a ballet

Was the ballet Swan Lake based off of a book?

the ballet

What are the ballet examples?

Examples of Ballet are Swan Lake and The Nutcracker.

What is 'Swan Lake'?

Swan Lake is a ballet by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, composed in 1875-1876.

Is Swan Lake a romantic ballet?


Who is the creator of Swan lake ballet?


What is the best ballet dance?

Swan Lake

Is there a swan dance in the nutcracker ballet?

No the swan dance was in "Swan Lake" also by Tchaikovsky