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It is an isosceles triangle and the 3rd angle is 72 degrees.

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Q: What is the measurement of the 3rd angle for a triangle given both angle measurement 54 degrees?
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As many as you like because any triangle that has a 90 degree angle is always a right angle triangle.

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It is an isosceles right angle triangle if the given numbers are in degrees

What is the measure of the third angle of a triangle if one angle measures 15 degrees and the other measures 85 degrees?

The sum of the measures of the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees. First, calculate the sum of the two known angles. Then subtract that result from 180. That difference is the measure of the third unknown angle. Given: One angle of a triangle is 15 degrees and the second angle of the triangle is 85 degrees. To find: We need to find the third angle of the triangle. Let the third angle of the triangle be x. We know that the sum of the angles in a triangle is 180 degrees. ==> 15 degrees + 85 degrees + x degrees = 180 degrees. ==> 100 degrees + x degrees = 180 degress. ==> x = 180 degrees - 100 degrees. ==> x = 80 degress. Therefore the third angle of the triangle is 80 degrees.

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A right angle triangle providing that the dimensions given are all of the same units of measurement

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The angles given would form a right angle triangle

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It is a scalene triangle that would have the given angles.

Finding measurements of triangle only given one angle measurement?

Not possible. There are an infinite number of triangles that all have that same one angle in them.

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All this represents is the angle of a triangle, which is calculated using trigonometry. The slope is given in degrees of an angle.

What is the cos of angle a 5 13 12?

It is: cos = adj/hyp and the acute angles for the given right angle triangle are 67.38 degrees and 22.62 degrees

What is the third angle of a triangle with two angles given as 54 degrees and 62 degrees?

The sum of a triangle's angles must always equal 180, so 54+62=116. 180-116=64. The third angle is a 64 degree angle.

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