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Q: What is the method of shooting where you raise and point where you think the target will be when the shot arrives?
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What is an absolute deviation?

An absolute deviation is the difference between a given value and a variate value in statistics, or, in target shooting, the shortest distance between the centre of the target and the point where the projectile hit.

What is the difference of a point target and an area target?

Point target is when you are trying to hit a specific point. The area target is when you land within the vicinity of the target.

What does the shooting gaurd do?

a shooting guard specializes in 3 point range shooting

What is the maximum range of the M-4 Carbine?

That depends on which maximum range you want to know. The maximum range if you could shoot a bullet and it would not hit anything until it ran out of energy is 3600 meters (MAX Range). The maximum "effective" range for shooting at an individual or specific point is 500 meters (Point Target) or 600 meters at an area or group without hitting a specific target (Area Target ).

Is Richard Hamilton a shooting guard or a point guard?

shooting guard

How do you get to be in the Olympics for archery?

If you break the rulkes. Such stings can be: * Use of alcohol / doping * Equipment which doesnt comply with the rules * If you step over the shooting line during shooting * unsportly behaviour * ... * ...

A violation of has a point value of 3?

A shooting foul when the player is shooting a 3.

What is the maximum range (in meters) of the M16 Rifle?

The maximum range of the M16 rifle is 3,534 meters. The maximum effective range of the M16 rifle (point target) is 550 meters, which is about 600 yards, and around 800 meters (area target), which is around 875 yards. Point target is you aiming directly at your target (accounting for windage and elevation as necessary). Area target is basically you shooting at a range beyond that where you can aim directly for your target, but there is still a chance the round will hit. Of course, the actual effective range also depends on the user's marksmanship.

What is the maximum range of the m16 rifle in meters?

The maximum range of the M16 rifle is 3,534 meters. The maximum effective range of the M16 rifle (point target) is 550 meters, which is about 600 yards, and around 800 meters (area target), which is around 875 yards. Point target is you aiming directly at your target (accounting for windage and elevation as necessary). Area target is basically you shooting at a range beyond that where you can aim directly for your target, but there is still a chance the round will hit. Of course, the actual effective range also depends on the user's marksmanship.

Is derek rose a point guard or shooting guard?

point guard

What is the best method for sighting in your firearm?

From a stable shooting position, such as on a benchrst. Fire three shots using the same aiming point. Measure difference between aiming point and the actual strike of the bullets. Adjust sights to the point of impact. Fire 3 more shots to verify.

What is given if you are outside the 3 point line and fouled on the act of shooting?

if your in the act of shooting you get 3 shots but if your not in the act of shooting the clock is stopped and there is a throw in