

What is the penalty for footwork in the circle in netball?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Free pass to the non-offending team.

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Q: What is the penalty for footwork in the circle in netball?
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When footwork is used in netball what is the penalty?

Free pass to other team

Can you score in netball from a free pass?

NO you cannot score from a free pass but you can shoot if it was a penalty pass or shot in the goal circle. A penalty pass or shot is given if a player contacts or obstructs a person in the circle.

In netball when is a free pass awarded?

a free pass is given when the opposition preforms a fault on their own such as footwork, throws the ball off court etc.. A penalty pass is given when the opposing team contacts or obstructs a player.

What is footwork for netball?

girls/boys usually wear covered in runners.... that are comfortable and practical :)

What is the penalty for intimidation in netball?

Penalty pass or Penalty pass/shot, depending on where you are on court.

A penalty pass or shot has been awarded in a netball game in the goal circle the shot is released but before it passes through the ring the umpires whistle is blown for time is the goal scored?

penalty pass or shots are taken when obstruction has occured inthe shooting circle

What would the coach do in netball?

the coach would watch out for footwork, contact, off side and stuff like that.

In netball has the GS always been allowed out of the shooting circle?

yes it is and has allways been allowed outside the netball circle

What happens if the rules in netball is broken?

if it is done to a player a penalty pass is awarded where you have to stand next to the layer you were marking and caused this offence to while they take a pass and you are not allowed to interfere. Footwork and any unintentional minor offences are awarded a free pass which is a normally pass where you can interfere.

What is the decision if contact occurs in netball?

Penalty pass to the opposing team

Can you score outside the semi circle in netball?


How long is the semi circle for shooting in netball?

Since I play netball i can answer this It is about 4 or 5 metres long