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Q: What is the probabiltity that you will roll one die and get a 7?
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What is the probability of getting a 7 on one roll of a die?

The probability of getting a 7 on one roll of a die is zero.If you meant to ask about two dice, the probability is 6 in 36, or 1 in 6.

What is the probability of rolling 7 with 2 dice?

1:6. It's easy to see why if you think about it a certain way... First, roll one die. Whatever number you roll, there is exactly one number you can roll on the other die to total seven. The odds that you'll roll that one other number is 1:6 (because the die has 6 sides).

What are the probabilities of getting a 7?

On a single roll of a normal die the probability of getting a 7 is 0.

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What are the release dates for Charlie Hoover - 1991 Roll One for Ed 1-7?

Charlie Hoover - 1991 Roll One for Ed 1-7 was released on: USA: 29 December 1991

What is the probability of rolling a 7 with one roll of a standard number cube?

The probability of rolling a seven with one roll of a standard number cube is zero.

What has dots on each side and you roll it?

That sounds like a diceDid you know opposite sides of a dice add up to 7.ActuallyTwo dice, one die. Strange but true

How Rolling an 8 with 2 dice?

you could do roll 5 on one side with 3 on the other.Or 4 on one side and 4 on the other.Or you could roll 7 and a 1 or you could roll 6 on one side and 2 on the other.:)(:

If two dice are thrown what is the probability of the sum of the numbers being a seven or an eleven?

To roll a 7, it doesn't matter what your first die rolls at, as every number on the die has a complement that will add up to 7. This means that your odds on rolling 7 are actually your odds on rolling the appropriate number on the second die. ie. 1/6. No matter what your first die is, the second can potentially give you a number that brings the total to 7. To roll an 11 however, your odds are not as high. This is because you must roll a five and a six to hit 11. Your first die can be either of the two, but your second die must be it's complement. In this case then, your odds are 2/6 * 1/6, or 1/18.

If a dice is rolled 90 times what is the sum of the first and second roll expected to be on average?

If a DIE (not dice) is rolled 90 times, the expected value of the sum of the first and second rolls is 7 if you assume that the die is fair. It does not matter how many times you roll the die, as long as it is at least 2.

What is the probability you will roll a multiple 7?

0% dice go up to 6. U can't roll a 7

What is the probability to roll a 7 or 8 on a eight-sided die?

It depends on what numbers are on its faces. If it is a fair die with the numbers 1 to 8 - and there is no reason to assume so - the answer is 1/4 or 0.25