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There is no significance at all.

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Q: What is the significance when the constant is greater than the universal gravitational equation?
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Why is g called the universal gravitational constant?

Why g is called the universal gravitational constant.Answer:Because it's the constant in Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation.It's "gravitational" because it is related to gravity; "universal ... constant" because it is the same in all cases."Universal" because it applied to the whole of the Universe.Another answer. But, g isn't called the universal gravitational constant.g is the acceleration due to gravity on our planet only.= 9.81 m s-2The universal gravitational constant is G (often called big G ) = 6.673 x 1011 m3 kg-1 s-2.It appears in Newton's equation f= Gm1m2 / d2 .

What is the Equation of universal law of gravity?

The equation is F = GmM/r2 whereF is the force of gravity, G is the universal gravitational constant, m and M are the two masses, and r is the distance between the masses.

What is the equation for gravitational force?

F = GMm/r2 where G is the gravitational accelaration constant apprximately equal to 6.67 x 10-11

What tells how strong the force of gravity will be between two things?

The equation for calculating it would be g = G (m1) (m2) / (radius or distance ^2) where g = gravitational attraction, G is constant of universal gravitation, and m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects

Why the mass of an object has no effect on speed when the body is moving due to gravity?

Let's put it mathematically. The Law of Universal Gravitation says that the gravitational force between two objects F is equal to the gravitational constant G * m1 * m2 / r2. So, if one of the objects is Earth, then r is going to be the same for any two objects at the same altitude, m1 (the mass of the Earth) is constant, and the gravitational constant is constant. So we wind up with F = K * m, where K is a product of the invariant terms and m is the mass of the object. But we also know that F = m * a (Newton's Third Law). Therefore, a (acceleration) in the second equation is exactly equal to K in the first equation and m doesn't matter.

Why is it necessary to use the universal gravitation constant in the universal law of gravitation?

To rationalize the units on both sides of the equation, E= -GmM/r, e.g if feet is used as the unit of distance r then the Constant G would have a different value.

What is the constant in bowel's law?

Boyles law is Pv= k and refers to any mass of gas under observation. It is often stated as p1V1 = p2V2 In words :- the product of pressure and volume remain the same (constant) as you change pressure or volume in your experiment. The constant k in the equation is not a universal constant (like R the universal gas constant) just a constant for that particular experiment.

Why pressure is inversely proportional to velocity in bernoulli's equation?

Usually in a streamlined motion the sum of three heads have to be constant always. They are pressure head velocity head and gravitational head In case of horizontal pipe gravitational head is already a constant Now velocity head + pressure head = constant So as velocity head increases then automatically pressure head has to fall.

Which property of the sun most affects the strength of the gravitational attraction between the sun and the earth?

The strength of the gravitational attraction between the Sun and the Earth is proportional to each of their masses and inversely proportional to their distance from each other. The equation for universal gravitation is ... F = G (Mm/r2) ... where F is the force in newtons, G is the universal gravitational constant 6.674 x 10-11 N m2 kg-2, M and m are the masses of the two objects, and r is the distance in kilometers between them. For the most part, the enormous mass of the Sun most affects the gravity between the Sun and the Earth.

Wha is a linear equation?

A linear equation is when each term in the algebraic equation is either a constant or the product has a single variable and a constant.

What is the difference between gravitational potential and elastic potential energy?

Elastic potential energy is the amount of energy that is stored in a material that can be compressed. One can measure the elastic potential energy in a material by the equation E = 1/2kx^2 k is the spring constant of an object. The spring constant tells you how stretchy (or elastic) a material is. x is the distance that the object is stretched or compressed. Gravitational energy is the potential energy between two masses with a gravitational field. Two masses will always have a gravitational pull towards each other so there is potential energy between two masses. The gravitational energy between two objects can be modeled by the equation E= Gm1m2 / r G is the gravitational constant 6.67x10^-11 m^3/Kg.s^2 m1 and m2 represent the masses of the two objects r is the distance between the two objects. The greater the distance between the two objects, the weaker the gravitational potential energy.

What is the value of the constant in the equation below?

That depends on what the equation is.