

What prime number less than 160 is prime?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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How about: 157

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Q: What prime number less than 160 is prime?
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Which number has three different prime factors that is less than 160?

30 does.

An odd number that is less than 160 has exactly three different prime factorsWhat is the number?


What is a number less than 160 and has exactly 3 different prime factors?

How about 30 or 105

Is there a number less than 160 that has exactly 3 prime factors?

I found 105,63 and 27

What is the odd number that is less than 160 has exactly three prime factors?

105 is one such number.

What is the number that is less than 160 has exactly three different prime factors what is the number?

How about 105 whose prime factors are 3, 5 and 7

Odd number that is less than 160 and has 3 different prime factors?

The answer is 105 because 3,5, and 7 are all prime factors and when you multiply the numbers together it comes out to be 105 witch is lower than 160 and is an odd number.

What are the 3 exact prime numbers that is less than 160 and why?

2, 3 and 5. They are prime numbers since, in each case there is no number other than 1 and itself that will divided the number without remainder. It should be pretty obvious [and can be proven if necessary] that each of these numbers is quite significantly less than 160.

What number is an odd number that is less than 160 that has exactly 3 different prime factors?

105 and the primes are 3, 5, and 7

Is 160 composite or prime?

compositeYes 160 is a composite number

Is 160 a composite or prime number?

160 is an even number. All even numbers greater than 2 are composites.