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It is trapezoid which has only 1 pair of opposite parallel lines of different lengths.

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Q: What quadrilateteral has at least 1 pair of parallel sides but con not be called a parallelogram?
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What is a parellolegram?

a parallelogram is a shape that has at least 2 parallel lines. a rectangle is a parallelogram.

How can you tell a trapezoid from a parallelogram?

A trapezoid has at least one pair of parallel sides; a parallelogram has both of its opposing sides parallel.

Why can't a trapezoid be a parallelogram?

It only has 1 pair of parallel sides. a parallelogram has at least 2 pairs of parallel sides.

How is a trapezoid and a parallelogram alike?

A trapezium and a parallelogram are both quadrilaterals with at least one pair of parallel sides.

Why is a trapezoid a parallelogram?

A trapezoid is not a parallelogram. A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with at least one pair of parallel sides, while a parallelogram is a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides. These two shapes have different properties and cannot be considered the same.

How many parallel lines does a parallelogram?

At least 4 lines, but no matter how many lines, every line has to be parallel with at least one other line.

What quadrilaterals have at least one pair of parallel sides?

A trapezoid (or trapezium) has at least one pair of parallel sides.If you asked, "Name all the types of quadrilaterals which have at least one pair of parallel sides?", I would answer: Trapezoid, rhombus, parallelogram, rectangle and square.

How is a parallelogram and a trapezoid the same?

They both have four sides, and at least one pair of parallel lines.

What have at least two congruent two parallel bases?

Prism, Cylinder, and Cube

Can a parallelogram be called a rhombus?

yes a rhombus can be a parrallelogram a parallelogram has four sides and at least two sides are parallel there for a a rhombus is a parallelogram. And if you are editing my answers please stop because I WILL and CAN report YOU and these are MY answers to be editing NOT YOURS

Do all rectangles are parallelogram?

Yes.A parallelogram is a shape that has all sides parallel to at least one other side. A rectangle always has four right angles, and therefor makes all sides parallel to the opposite.

The similarities between a trapezoid and a parallelogram?

* Both are four sided figures,so both are quadrilaterals. * In trapezium, one pair of opposite sides are parallel,so as in parallelogram its opposite sides are parallel. *both have at least 2 parallel sides