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Latitude and Longitude

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Q: What reference lines are used to locate points on earth?
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How are longitude and latitude lines used to locate points on earth?

They are used to locate a certain place on a map.

Why are some lines of reference required to locate places on earth?

To find out exact location of the certain place in the earth, it needs some lines of reference i.e. latitudes & longitudes.

What is used to locate points in geometry?

lines and angles

Why does a description of position depend on a reference point?

Description of position depends on a reference point because there is no other way to do it. A reference point is observable, so based on that observation, you can then describe where something else is. All locations are described that way, although there are many different kinds of reference points that are used. For example, a street address, 233 Main St., uses a street as a reference point. Mathematically, a Cartesian coordinate system is the most commonly used way to establish reference points. The use of lines of latitude and longitude allow is to locate anything on the surface of the Earth. If we wishes to locate another planet than the Earth, in our solar system, we would start by describing the distance of that planet from the sun.

what Navigation at sea requires the use of many points and lines to reference location and trajectory.What are the minimum points of reference needed to determine a trajectory (line)?

2 points

Who are the ones who used number lines to locate points in places?

Math students.

How do latitude and longitude lines help to locate places on earth?

It is like coordinates all around the earth

What Are the purposes of the lines of latitude and longitude?

To locate any spot on the Earth's surface.

How are the lines of latitude and longitude used to locate points on Earth's surface?

The lines of latitude provide vertical (north-south) coordinates on a map or globe. Lines of longitude provide horizontal (east-west) coordinates. The defined geographical point is where the latitude line intersects the longitude line.

What are the different reference lines used in locating places on earth?

The two main reference lines used in locating places on Earth are the Equator, which divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, and the Prime Meridian, which divides the Earth into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. Additionally, lines of latitude (parallels) and longitude (meridians) help pinpoint specific locations on the Earth's surface.

How are lines of latitude and longitude used to locate places on earth?

It locates a place through degrees

What is similar between parallel lines and meridian lines?

Meridian lines are halves of imaginary circles joining two diametrically opposite points on a sphere. For the earth the points are the geographical North and South poles. Parallel lines (parallels of latitudes) are a set of imaginary lines that are parallel to the equator - which is the line of points that are equidistant from the poles. These two sets of lines act as a set of coordinates for the surface of the earth.