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Q: What size is the largest piece of hail ever recorded?
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What size was the largest hail stone ever recorded in the US?


What is the longest hailstorm ever recorded?

The largest hail storm ever recorded was in Amarillo Texas it lasted 2 hours and 15 minutes with over 200 million dollars in damages

Where was the world's biggest hail storm Largest hail?

The hailstorm that struck the Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas metro area on May. The heaviest authenticated hailstone ever measured was one of 2.25.

When was Canada's largest hail storm?

in 2013

Hail consists of frozen raindrops the largest recorded was 6 inches wide what would cause a hailstone to get so large?

Hail is not simply frozen raindrops. Hail forms when a water droplet is carried into the upper part of a storm, freezes, falls, collects a new layer of moisture, then rises again to refreeze, this time into a larger piece of ice. This cycle repeats until the ahilstone is to heavy to be held up by air currents. Large hail occurs in thunderstorms with very strong updrafts that can keep such large objects suspended. Typically the storm is a supercell, a thunderstorm with a powerful, rotating updraft capable of producing large hail and strong tornadoes.

Did Karachi ever got hail rain?

Karachi's northern and north-eastern parts got hail on 30 September 1999. Hail has also occurred in Karachi back in March 1967 (when Karachi received the month's highest rainfall recorded to-date of 130 mm). Most recently, Karachi's southern parts got hail on 4 Feb 2013 and many parts of Karachi received hail on 15 Feb 2013.

What is the name of the piece of music that introduces the American president?

Hail to the Chief

Will it ever hail on the sunshine coast?

Yes. Summer storms on the Sunshine Coast frequently bring hail.

What kind of cloud does hail form from?

Cumulonimbus clouds.

Is hail big in the cloud and becomes smaller as it falls?

through out all the information on hail I have read, it comes to my idea that the size does not change once the hail has been formed. in the related links box below, I posted the wikipeida hail article.the biggest hail recorded in history was a 7 pounder. there is a picture of it in the article.

Hail can move both up and down in clouds?

Yes hail moves around within a cloud. As hail falls within a cloud it will gather moisture on its outside. The winds and updrafts within a storm cloud constantly swirl. As a piece of hail that has gotten wet swirls up higher in the cloud it refreezes with a new layer of ice and continues to do it and grow until it finally falls to earth. The longer it stays in the cloud and the more trips it makes, the larger it gets. If yoiu ever have large hail, collect a piece (after it stops hailing) and break it. You will see the different layers inside. It looks like a giant Jaw Breaker candy.

Who was the first president to ever use hail to the chief?

John Tyler