

What the speed of soccer?

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Q: What the speed of soccer?
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What is the speed of soccer?

There is no speed of soccer. In soccer the only speed is how fast you run.

What is average speed of Soccer shot of professional Soccer?

The average speed of a professional soccer player's shot is 67 MPH.

What does speed have to do with soccer?

speed has a lot to do with soccer. if you didn't have speed then you wouldn't be able to chase down the ball or catch other players to get the ball

When does soccer ball reach top speed?

The soccer ball reaches its top speed of about 75 mph 1 second after being hit.

Who is the hardest striker in soccer and what speed will the soccer ball reach?

David Trezguet at 98mph

What is the top speed of a soccer ball?


What is the average speed in soccer?

The average speed of a soccer player during a match can vary, but typically falls between 7-10 mph. It's important to note that this speed can change based on factors such as player position, fitness level, and intensity of play.

What does speed in science have to do with soccer?

1)greater the speed quicker is the distance covered

What is the speed in seconds for kicking a soccer ball?

Speed can't be measured in seconds.

What is it the possible miles per hour speed of a kicked soccer ball?

The fastest recorded soccer kick was 114 MPH.

What is the average speed of a soccer ball that travels 34 m in 2 s?

what is the average speed of a soccer ball that travels 34 m in 2 s

What is the normal speed of a soccer shot?

depends on the person