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Q: What type of psychologists would use a longitudinal or cross sectional study?
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Is CROSS sectional study a prospective study?

Basically it is not. However, there are studies being tiltled as prospective cross sectional study, but these kind fo terms should be used with caution and clear explanation.

What is comparative cross sectional study?

Christian is Awesome maybe! <3 xx your welcome <3

Cross-sectional is what type of research?

Study designs for research tend to fall in two broad categories-descriptive or analytic. A cross sectional design is an ex of Descriptive study. It describes the occurrence of disease and disability in terms of person, place, and time using prevalence surveys, surveillance data, and other routinely collected data to describe a phenomena. Analytic designs explain etiology and causal associations. Ex) cohort or case control aim to estimate the strength of a relationship between an exposure and an outcome.

Who is the inventor vector cross product?

In 1773, Joseph Louis Lagrange introduced the component form of both the dot and cross products in order to study the tetrahedron in three dimensions

What is sequential longitudinal study?

sequences of sample, each studied longitudinally. They are not foolproof. Provides less information about continuity than a full longitudinally study. More time consuming. People are tested, then maybe tested again three years later. Strength: provides some info about continuity of development. EX: Whether aggressive six year olds are aggressive nine year olds. You can tell if the study has practice or cohort effects as well.

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Longitudinal study versus cross-sectional study?

A longitudinal study and a cross-sectional study are methods of collecting scientific data. A longitudinal study is the method that gathers data on a subject for a particular period of time and the subject's response to particular variables. A cross-sectional study is where more than one subject is used for the collection of data at different points in time in response to particular variables. These types of studies are sometimes used to determine correlation.

What is the major difference between a longitudinal study and cross sectional study?

the cross-sectional study selects a sample that has all the age ranges the researchers are interested in verses one group that is followed throught time

What is the major difference between a longitudinal study and a cross sectional study?

the cross-sectional study selects a sample that has all the age ranges the researchers are interested in verses one group that is followed throught time

What is the major difference between a longitudinal study and a cross-sectional study?

a longitudinal study and its topic is critiqued for quite a lenghty period of time. this study is undertaken by the researcher and lasts for years, so in saying this it is quite obvious that this is a study that is taken into the future. however, a cross sectional study critiques its research at something that has happened or occured at a specific point in time. it may be a person's experience or an event of some interest.

Advantage of cross sectional study?

advantage of cross sectional study?

Is CROSS sectional study a retrospective study?

Yes, We can design a cross sectional study which its data collected in a retrospective format, so this study is called cross sectional retrospective study.

What is a cross-sequential research study?

A cross-sequential research study is a combination of cross-sectional and longitudinal research methods. It involves studying different age groups at multiple points in time to examine both age-related and time-related changes over the course of the study. This approach allows researchers to better understand how development unfolds over time and across different age cohorts.

What is a cross sequential research study?

Cross sequential studies combine both longitudinal and cross sectional methods in an attempt to both shorten the length of the research and minimize developmental assumptions

Why is a longitudinal study better than a cross-sectional study for examining how many years cancer survivors stay in remission?

A longitudinal study allows for tracking of the same individuals over time, providing more accurate information on the duration of remission in cancer survivors. In contrast, a cross-sectional study only provides a snapshot of different individuals at a single point in time, limiting insights on the long-term trajectory of remission in cancer survivors.

Can a cross sectional study be a descriptive study?

Yes, a cross-sectional study can be a descriptive study as it involves collecting data at a single point in time to describe a population or phenomenon. It focuses on determining prevalence or association between variables at that specific time without following individuals over time.

What are cross cultural psychologists interested in?

Cross-cultural psychologists are interested in studying how different cultures impact human behavior, cognition, and emotion. They examine how cultural differences influence psychological processes such as communication, social interactions, and mental health. Their research aims to promote cross-cultural understanding and address any biases or misconceptions that may arise from cultural differences.