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Q: What were some of the denied rights of the special Olympics?
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What were three group that denied their civil rights?

Well, that would be pretty much everybody. Black people were denied their civil rights, and some say they still are denied some rights. Gay people are currently denied their civil rights. Women also face discrimination.

What were some of the basic rights slaves did not have?

Privacy, legally killed, voting, Denied in education

What rights were denied to slaves?

Slaves were denied basic human rights such as the right to freedom, the right to education, the right to own property, and the right to make decisions about their own lives. They were also denied the right to vote, the right to participate in legal proceedings, and the right to freedom of movement.

Why are some parties protected with special contractual rights?


Why do some individual rights need special protection in the constitution?

To protect the rights and freedoms of certain individuals and groups to ensure equality.

What is controversial about same-sex marriage?

The idea that gay and lesbian citizens should possess the same civil rights as other citizens is somehow controversial to some people. The idea that gays and lesbians should be afforded legal recognition of their relationships, including the usual benefits and responsibilities of legal marriage, is controversial to some people. The idea that a minority can be denied civil rights based on either somebody's religion or the fact that they have always been denied equal rights is controversial to some people.

How does the constitution protect the freedom and security of a person?

The U.S. Constitution protects individual rights through the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the Constitution. Some of the freedoms listed are freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, etc.

What are some of the main children's rights?

Children's are the future of this nation. Although they can't work in some states till the age of sixteen, they do have some rights throughout their childhood. For school purposes, George Bush inaugurated the "No Child Left Behind" bill that ensures that no child will be denied the right to a public school education.

Are the mascots for the 2012 Olympics neat or plain ugly?

They are neat and have special meanings,but it was design too much of, maybe to some people,ugly. (;

Do stepchildren have rights to the estate of their stepmother in Kentucky?

To some degree, this will depend upon how the will was written as well as the legal relationship between the stepchildren and the stepmother. If the stepmother officially adopted the stepchildren, then they have rights to the estate unless specifically denied them in a valid will. If the stepchildren were never officially adopted by the stepmother and the will does not provide for them, they may have no rights to the estate.

Why were some Olympic Games skipped?

As for the modern Olympics, countries were to busy trying to destroy each other during two world wars, than competing in sports. Jimmy Carter prohibited the USA from competing in the 1980 Summer Olympics as a response to Russsia violating human rights and the soviergn rights of independent countries. Worls Wars have also prevented countries from competing in the Olympics. Some countries, like South Africa (apartheid) were prohibited from competing due to political reasons.

Why was the African National Congress formed?

The Whites put in place a policy called Apartheid in 1948 which denied Black South Africans from many basic rights. So some black Africans formed a group called the African National Congress to fight for their rights.