

When did drugs become illegal?

Updated: 8/19/2023
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14y ago

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It started in the late 19th early20th century when the drug company's began to gain more power.

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In 1976, the Netherlands decriminalised possession of soft drugs such as marijuana

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What is in the drugs that make them illegal?

Drugs become illegal when law makers decide to pass laws saying these drugs are illegal.

When did drugs in sport become illegal?

They have always been illegal

What happens to your body if you inhale illegal drugs?

you become gay

What happens if the illegal drugs do not stop?

If illegal drugs don't stop, then the chances for the children and younger generation to become addicted will be greater. The future of the children and the world will be changed.

How did illegal drugs become illegal?

Because dog government's move in to profit, and some drugs are to good and to many will learn the secrets of existence

Can a legal drug become illegal?

It occurs all the time and any drug can be abused. In most cases, drugs that are legal when prescribed by a doctor are illegal if they are obtained through any other means. Yes if people use drugs the wrong way they can become illegal.

Are people addicted by drugs?

No, not all people become addicted to drugs. It depends on the type of drugs as well as the type of personality the person has, which makes some people more likely to become addicted than others.

What are the causes why there are people who are using illegal drugs?

because they have no life .. and they should become a dead man..

How do illegal drugs affect you?

From a legal standpoint, if you are caught buying, selling or carrying illegal drugs, you can be arrested and charged. Jail time and fines might be part of the punishment. This can have an affect on your personal life, relationships, jobs in the future, wealth and mental well-being. Illegal drugs also have damaging effects on your body, especially when you become addicted or become dependent on them.

What does illegal drugs mean?

Illegal drugs mean drugs which is not accepted or it's against the law to use them

What are three illegal drugs?

Three illegal drugs are: heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamines.

How do you become annerexic?

Anorexia is defined as loss of appetite and inability to eat. To become anorexia people ingest diet supplements or do illegal drugs which I do not recommend.