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Half Marathon running is a rare bird really, sort of betwixt and between the 10K and marathon distances. Because its not an Olympic or national championship distance, few distance runners specialize in it. Yet the 13.1-miler has gained great popularity in the past decade demanding half marathon training schedules specific to this event.

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Q: Where can I buy half marathon training schedules in preparation for the full run?
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What is a full marathon?

A full marathon is the 26.2 miles that you run for example the London marathon is a full marathon

Has there been a kid run a full marathon?

I know a 14 year old that ran the full marathon.

Is there a half marathon?

Yes, there is a half marathon. A half marathon is about 13.1 miles long, half the distance of a full marathon, 26.2 miles. 

How many miles are in half a marathon?

There are 26.2 miles in a full marathon, thus there are 13.1 miles in a half marathon. No odd calculations... a half marathon is a half marathon.

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How long is a mini marathon in kilometers?

The half marathon is 21.0975 kilometers.The marathon is defined as 42.195 kilometers. All related values are derived from this definition. The marathon distance in miles is about 26.2 miles. The half marathon (sometimes called a mini marathon) is 21.0975 kilometers, or about 13.1 miles. Usually, the distances are referred to as 42.2 and 21.1 kilometers for the full and half marathon respectively.

What is the full distance of a marathon?

26.2 miles

How many kilometers is a full marathon?

42.16 kilometers.

How far is a full running marathon?

It is 42.2 kilometres.

How do marathon runners suppress pain?

Marathon runners train their bodies so that they are prepared for the 26.2 miles of running. Each mile run during training helps condition them for the challenge. However, when the pain hits, the battle becomes more mental than physical. The unique thing about marathon pain is that there is a completely effective way of stopping the pain - you just have to stop running. Not a very good option for someone trying to finish a marathon. So in the end, the marathon isn't so much about suppressing pain as it is running through it.

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