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Q: Where is the coolest air found inside an oven?
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Where is coolest air found inside an oven?

At the bottom.

What is oven fan?

it's a fan inside an oven, used to circulate the hot air. It's generally found in a convection oven.

What is the name of the oven that has a fan that helps circulate the hot air inside the oven?

A convection oven.

How can one measure the temperature of hot air oven should i check it hanging thermometer in it through measument soket provided or keeping water in it and dipping thermometer in it through soket?

The most accurate way to measure the temperature of a hot air oven is by using a hanging thermometer placed inside the oven. This method ensures that the thermometer is directly exposed to the hot air circulating inside the oven. Placing water inside the oven and dipping a thermometer in it may not provide an accurate representation of the air temperature, as water heats up at a different rate than air.

What part of the mountain can a person experience the coolest air temperature?

.....A person can experience the coolest air temperature in a mountain, when he/she is on the left slope.......

What kind of probe would you attach to a thermocouple or thermistor to measure the temperature inside an oven?

Air Probe.

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inside it.

Are a convection oven and a roaster oven the same?

I would think so because the fan would help the convection currents but... don't take my word for it, I'm not an oven expert! Hope this helps if not soz!

What is the coolest guitar ever?

air guitar

What is found inside a football ball?

A lining, then air.

What does a convection oven do that a regular oven does not?

A convection oven contains a fan that a regular oven does not. This fan blows the air around inside the convection oven, setting up artificial convection currents that cause the temperature of the air throughout the convection oven to equalize, eliminating hot and cold spots that may be present in a regular oven. Convection ovens can usually bake or roast faster than regular ovens and do it more evenly.

What does a convection oven do that a regular oven does not do?

A convection oven contains a fan that a regular oven does not. This fan blows the air around inside the convection oven, setting up artificial convection currents that cause the temperature of the air throughout the convection oven to equalize, eliminating hot and cold spots that may be present in a regular oven. Convection ovens can usually bake or roast faster than regular ovens and do it more evenly.