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The species is moved from the endangered list to the threatened list.

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Jenico Jacklick

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3y ago
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Q: Which sentence describes a species whose numbers are increasing?
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Are Siberian tigers an endangered species?

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What species of animal is increasing in number?

One species that is increasing in numbers is the polar bear, despite the fact that most people think they are all dying. A report published by the World Conservation Union in 2013 said that there were about 4,200 more polar bears in 2013 than there were in 2001.

How does a predator increase numbers of species in an ecosystem?

When a predator reduces the number of one species in a habitat, the population of competing species can increase. With less competition for food, water, and shelter, a species can thrive and reproduce more rapidly than when it is being out-competed.

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Are kangaroos decreasing or increasing in numbers?

The majority of kangaroo species have an erratic population pattern, increasing and decreasing with environmental conditions. There are over 60 species of kangaroo, however, and many of the lesser-known species are decreasing in number, especially those in the wallaby family. But the larger creatures commonly recognised as kangaroos, such as Red kangaroos and Grey kangaroos, remain common and prolific.

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If the numbers of a species begin to decline dramatically, the species becomes known as an "endangered" species. When the numbers decline so far that the species no longer exists, the species is known to be "extinct."

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Species richness

Is the osprey endangered?

no.because there are not on the endanger species list.

What term describes a species that has a fewer members today that in the past?

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What are the nouns in the sentence Some species that have neared extinction are now protected?

The nouns in the sentence are species and extinction.