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Q: Which artist projected on flat surface illusionistic effects and projected the illusion of solid bodies moving through space?
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when used together, perspective and color variation create what effects for the viewer?

The illusion of depth on a flat surface.

What is the curved path an object takes when projected near earths surface?

It is the Trajectory.

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the average of the projected surface areas

What can This technique can be used to create the illusion of depth on a flat surface?

linear perspective :)

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What important elements create an illusion of depth on a flat surface?

perspective and color

What are the three main types of map projection?

Three types of projection include planar (the globe is projected onto a flat sheet, with only one point of the globe touching the surface), cylindrical (the globe is projected onto a cylinder with the all points along a great circle touching the surface), or conical (the globe is projected onto a cone with two lines of parallel touching the reference surface).

Leonardo da Vinci illusion depth on a two dimensional surface?

It is called perspective.

What are the two most important elements that create illusion of depth on a surface?

light and shadow

What is multiple perspective?

A technique in which two or more vanishing points are used to create the illusion of depth on a flat surface..

Differences between projected and non projected media?

Projected media requires electricity in order to function. On the other hand, non projected media does not require electricity in order to work.

What was the method of creating a three dimensional illusion on a two dimensional surface known as?

trompe l'oeil