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Q: Which is the correct term for the game: soccer or football?
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Which countries play football and not soccer?

Football is the correct name of the game. The term soccer is used mainly abroad, for example in the USA. As they already have American football. The term soccer would be frowned upon if used in the UK as a reference to football.

How is football different from soccer?

In the English term, "football" means soccer. But The American term football is played with the hands And helmets on!

When did the term soccer officially change to football in Australia?

The term soccer officially changed to football on December 16, 2004

Why does the term 'Association Football' Not appear in the description of the Category 'Football - Soccer'?

It does appear in the description, ..the game is sometimes known as 'Association Football' to distinguish it from other football games like..

Is soccer like football?

soccer in an american term means football to the english.its the same thing.

In what sport is the term kickoff used?

There are several sport that use a kickoff term as a rule on the game such as Football, Rugby and Soccer. Kickoff usually used at the start of the game.

What is the average salary for a proffesional soccer player?

A lot. I think about a million dollars a year. And the correct term is "footballer" or "football player".

Which among these is not a term of football?

Americans: Soccer English: Football German: FuseBall

What the origin of soccer?

Soccer originally came from England while a few teenagers were mucking around in a college football match.A game played in the streets in England in which players were allowed to use any part of the body, including feet and hands, to take the ball from one side to the other. From this game derived Soccer, Football, and Rugby.

What stands for fa?

This very much dependent on the context. Assuming football (soccer) is the context F.A. stands for Football Association. The term soccer rather than being an Americanism was originally a British slang term for association football. Soccer being derived from the "soc" in association.

In soccer What does it meant by a field goal?

A fieldgoal is a gridiron football term.

Is football in Australia soccer in the US?

No. In Australia, the term "Football" [colloquially "footy"], mainly refers to the Australian football game, also called, "Aussie Rules". Even in the two states that play much more rugby than Australian football, they do not reference soccer with the word 'football' - the 150+ year tradition within Australia has therefore long been to be speaking of either Australian football or one of the rugby codes - 'league or union' when football is mentioned. The only change that has occurred is that the major soccer / "association football" league in Australia has changed its own lead name from "Soccer" to include the word "Football", but certainly, neither the general populous, nor the culture as a whole refers to soccer by the term football. The chief governing body of Australian Football has long been named, "The Australian Football League". The true name of the soccer brand of football, by the way, is actually "Association Football".