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Q: Which of these objects will not have enough buoyant force exerted on it to keep it from sinking when placed in Erik's bathtub full of water?
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Related questions

What force keeps objects from sinking in water?

Buoyant force.

What are the 2 forces involved in sinking and floating?

Gravity is pulling down, and Buoyancy is pushing up. When the force of gravity is greater than the buoyant force, objects sink. When the buoyant force is greater than the force of gravity, objects float.

What happens if the buoyant force decreases?

As buoyant force decreases then the body starts sinking down.

What word means the opposite of buoyant?

heavy; weighted; sinking

How buoyant force is influenced by gravity?

Buoyant force is entirely the result of gravity. In a gravitational field, we find denser objects sinking in whatever medium they are in (usually air or water) and less dense objects, if the density is lower than the surrounding medium, floating. In the absence of a gravitational field (or in free fall, which is equivalent) everything floats.

Will a sinking object experience buoyant force?

It will if it occupies space where liquid should be.

As an objects sinks does the buoyant force increase or decrease?

Normally you can assume that the density of the liquid won't change much; nor the density of the sinking object. Therefore, the buyant force won't change significantly.

How do submarines stay in the water without sinking or submerging?

they are neutrally buoyant. they have ballast tanks to achieve this

What do you notice the density of the sinking objects?


What scientific expression is used to describe objects floating or sinking?

I think it is Buoyancy. Buoyant floats, neutral buoyancy neither floats nor sinks it is the same SG as the liquid in which it sits. Negative buoyancy sinks. Complete guesswork I'm afraid but there you go.

What do you notice about the density of sinking objects?


How could you determine buoyant force?

The bouyant force acts in an upward direction against gravity. It keeps things from sinking.