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Not all trapezium are Isosceles.

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Q: Which term does not describe every trapezoid?
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Which term should not be used to describe a squareparallelogramparallelogramparallelogramrhombusrhombusrectangletrapezoid?


Is a trapezoid always an isosceles trapezoid?

No, not every trapezoid is an isosceles trapezoid.

Can you describe a trapezoid?

A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides.

Is it true that every trapezoid is a quadrilateral?

It is true that every trapezoid is a quadrilateral

Is every quadrilateral a trapezoid?

No, not every quadrilateral is a trapezoid, although a trapezoid is also a quadrilateral because it has four sides.

Is every trapezoid a paralleloram?

No, a trapezoid is usually not a parallelogram. The term trapezoid is usually applied to quadrilaterals with only one pair of parallel sides, not two pairs as required for a parallelogram. Conventionally, the base and top of a trapezoid are parallel to one another but the other two sides are not.

Is every trapezoid a rectangle?

No, every trapezoid is not a rectangle. There is no overlap between rectangles and trapezoids -- that is, no trapezoid is a rectangle. They are both four-sided quadrilaterals

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Is every trapezoid a quadrilateral?

Improved Answer:-Yes every trapezoid is a quadrilateral because they have 4 sides

Is every trapezoid a closed figure?

Yes every trapezoid is a closed 4 sided quadrilateral

Does a closed figure describe a trapezoid?

Yes because a trapezoid is a 4 sided closed shape which is a quadrilateral.