

Who has plaid for the most football teams in history?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Who has plaid for the most football teams in history?
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Who has played for the most football teams in history?

ryan giggs manchester united

What team sport requires the most players?

according to the national data base. the sport which consists of most teams is the sport of football. with a average of 50 teams in each cxountry, football has the most teams who are involved.

What kind of football shirt's do Toffs offer?

Toffs sells football shirts for most non-American countries and cities with football teams. Their merchandise includes English teams, Scottish teams, and South American teams.

What do most football teams do on the fourth down?

They punt.

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Which football team is the most popular?

The Green Bay Packers is one of the most popular teams in American football.

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There is no exact answer but I would guess football because Ohio has the most teams on football.

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J.T O'Sullivan

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What football teams are covered by The Guardian newspapers?

The Guardian is a British news paper. It covers international football in general but it focuses the most on the Premier League football teams such as Chelsea and Manchester city.

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The most famous Italian football clubs are A.C.Milan Inter Milan , Juventus and Atlanta.

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