

Who invented baseball and when did he invent it?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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There are many myths surrounding the origins of Baseball. Many people believe that a young West Point Cadet named Abner Doubleday invented baseball one day in 1839 while in Cooperstown, New York. That is definitely not true. The Doubleday Myth was first created by a panel of "baseball experts" appointed to determine the origins of the game.The Commission based its conclusions on the testimony of one Abner Graves. History proved that Graves may not have been the most credible witness, however. Just a year later, Mr. Graves shot his wife, was declared criminally insane, and spent the rest of his life in a mental institution.

Furthermore, when Doubleday died, he left behind thousands of personal letters. None of them mentioned baseball. It's hard to believe that if the man invented the game, he wouldn't have mentioned it at some point during his lifetime. It is now agreed that Abner Doubleday didn't invent baseball.

In reality, baseball evolved out of several different "bat and ball" games such as English Rounders, Cricket, and American Town Ball that had been around for centuries. But there is one man who deserves the credit for establishing the fundamental rules of the sport and for organizing the first baseball game. He is Alexander Cartwright.

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