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William Oughtred

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Q: Who was the first mathematician to use X as a sign for multiplication?
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Related questions

Why do they have a multiplication sign?

Why algebra has a different multiplication sign is because they don't want to mix up the American multiplication sign with the variable x. So they use a centered dot for algebra instead of this: x.

Which mathematician had used letters for numbers for the first time?

sir isakk Newton was the first mathematician to use letters and numbers

In Excel what is the operator used for multiplication called?

In Excel, you use the asterisk, "*". As to the name, I would just call it the "multiplication sign".

How do you type out a multiplication sign with a PC?

you can use a star for example 8*9=72 or you can use upper case X as the variable and lower case x as the multiplication sign, for example X x Y=XY

How do you type a multiplication sign if your keybaord doesn?

you can't write a multiplication mark on a keyboard but you can write a division one. first hold ALT and type 246 (÷) :) The letter 'x'. If using a program like Excel, use *.

Should the multiplication sign be used when adding 235 and 987?

If you are adding, you would use the plus sign: 235 + 987

Who was the first mathematician to use exponential notation the way you use it today?

champ railings

What is kcf in fractions?

K = keep the first fraction C = change division sign to a multiplication sign F = flip last fraction You can only use KCF for dividing fractions. i learnt that during math class so

Who was the first to use the dot?

Gottfried Leibniz was the first to use the dot (.) to indicate multiplication of algebraic terms in 1686

Who invented trigonometry?

The first recorded use of trigonometry came from the Hellenistic mathematician Hipparchus

When you are using scientific notation why do you use a x instead of a regular multiplication sign?

Purely a matter of convenience. 'x' is an acceptable character that means "multiplied by", and it appears on the keyboard, whereas the regular multiplication sign doesn't. Well . . . to be perfectly honest, we don't even know what a "regular multiplication sign" is. ======================================== Another contributor agreed: I was just going to ask that, what is a regular multiplication sign? For 50 years I have been using x I think he means when he says regular multiplication sign he means the dot that is used for algebra because x is a variable. P.S. I just learned about scientific notation and asked my teacher the same question. She didn't know.

What remarkable Swiss mathematician and teacher for instituting the use of the symbol for pi In mathematical notation?

It was the mathematician William Jones who first used pi as a mathematical symbol in 1706