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so she can get past all her oppenents and hit the ball over the net

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Q: Why does Geva Mentor need agility for net ball?
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Do you need agility to play soccer?

Of course! You also need speed, stamina, and skill with the ball.

Why do you need agility for volleyball?

You can: move to the ball quickly respond to your teammates calling "mine", or "out" control the ball better.

Do you need agility for tennis?

yes, you do need an agility training skills for the sports, tenni because you will be requiring the quikeness of your body movement during the play as where th tennis ball comes from.... -__-

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Reasons for choosing this component of fitness: As a striker you need quick feet to do skills and get past the players and to get back for the ball have good agility players would be able to move quickly and precisely move and change directions without losing their balance.

Do gymnasts need agility?

Gymnasts do need agility because the need to be strong on order to do their techniques.

Why is agility needed in soccer?

Agility is important in touch football because you need to be able to maneuver around other players. The players will create tight spaces you have to move around in on the field.

How do you improve agility for badminton?

Agility is important in badminton because when you fail a shot you have to pick the shuttlecock back up off the floor.

When do you need agility in rounders?

It helps my making u run and stuff and to swing the racket to hit the ball many ask a gym coach

Why would a basketball player need agility?

If you want to get around your defender you'll need to use AGILITY to do that. If you want stay with your opponent when your on defense, you'll need agility to stay with him

Does hockey need agility?

Yes. How much agility you need, though, depends on what position you want to play in.

Why does netball need agility?

When playing netball, you will be constantly marked by the oppostition; to get away from them and ready to receive the ball you need to dodge and change direction quickly. This is the reason agility is needed.