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After the defeat of Japan in 1945, the 38th parallel was chosen to divide the Korean peninsula into two US and Soviet occupied zones. The line dividing North and South Korea is still often referred to as the 38th parallel, but the border is no longer parallel to the equator and rather runs diagonally across the peninsula.

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At the 38th parallel north, a measure of latitude 38 degrees north of the equator.

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Q: Where was korea divided after world war 2?
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After World War 2 Korea was divided into two countries. Who supported South Korea?

United States supported South Korea after World War 2.

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38th parallel divided North and South Korea at the end of World War 2.

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Korea was divided into North and South Korea after World War 2. North Korea was occupied by the Soviet Union, while South Korea was occupied by the United States. The division led to the Korean War in 1950.

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The Asian peninsula that was divided after World War II was the Korean Peninsula. The country of Korea was divided into North Korea and South Korea.

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The line of latitude that divided North and South Korea, which were divided following World War 2?

38th parallel

Where did the allies divide Korea at the end of world war 2?

The Allies and Russia divided Korea at the 38 th parallel.

What nation was divided along the 38th parallel after World War 2?

North and South Korea

What was Another country that was divided after world war 2 and also a source of tension was?

Korea and Germany

What Another country that was divided after World War 2 and also a source of tension was .?

Korea and Germany