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preschool bro.

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preschool bro.

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There are two that are similar:

  • Ephesians 6:4 NKJVAnd you, fathers, do not provoke your childrento wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.
  • Colossians 3:21 NKJVFathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged.
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You have the right to judge anyone for anything. There is no law that prevents you from judging people based on your own standards. You just don't have the right to:

  • to harm them or interfere with their lives based on your judgments
  • to prevent them from getting married
  • to prevent them from adopting children
  • to fire them from their jobs
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I think it is because it gives that child a broader outlook on life and it helps teach them self-discipline, how to work with others (*assuming they would take it further into being in a band or orchestra of some sort*), and to work hard to accomplish an overall goal. Also, children in bands or orchestras or that play instruments of some sort statistically make better grades than students who don't play an instrument. I would suggest 'yes' on the answer. :)

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-- On theday after modern-Israel became a country, the armies of seven other

nearby countries rolled into Israel to make sure that it did not last long.

-- Ever since then, the governments and religious leaders in the countries

around Israel have told their people that the Jews stole their land and want

more of it, and that Israel must be wiped out. The people teach their children

to hate Jews, and the books in their schools are printed with maps on which

Israel is not there.

-- There is a large country near Israel, where nuclear (atomic) weapons

are being developed, and their president has said in public speeches that

Israel is a "cancer" that must be cut out of its place and destroyed.

-- There is a small piece of land right next to Israel where the constitution

of the government says that their job is to destroy Israel and kill the Jews.

If you lived in a neighborhood like that, and had neighbors like that, you'd

need to be strong too. You'd need to make sure that you could take care

of yourself, no matter what they might try to do, or when they might try it.

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