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The answer is there are many possible sets of characteristics by which the governments can be grouped.

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When deciding whether to use one additional unit of a resource, consider the marginal benefit it will provide compared to the additional cost or effort required. If the marginal benefit is greater than the marginal cost, it may be worth utilizing the additional unit. However, if the marginal cost exceeds the benefit, it may be more efficient to forgo using the additional unit.

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I am deciding to do my homework very early

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Planning a road trip can be an exciting time, but deciding on where to go can be a difficult decision to make. The first step in planning a road trip is to consider the interests of everyone and choose a location based on everyone's ideas. Once everyone can agree on a common theme or place, it is best to thoroughly research the area and pick out several locations that everyone will enjoy.

After picking a location, deciding on the best possible route is often the next step in planning a road trip. Travelers must consider if they would prefer to take the scenic route on the way to their destination, or if they are taking the freeway. Rest stops and restaurants must also be considered when deciding on where to go for a road trip.

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What are the 5 figures of speech

This type of rhyme is present when the words have the same ending consonant sound but the vowel sounds are different such as that and hit

What mood is created at the Durham Packing Plant

What is the poet's tone in the poem The Eagle A Fragment

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