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borderline personality disorder

Not by a longshot.....Borderline personality disorder is a personality disorder that involves the thought processes of the individual who has it. There is no chemical component and, although meds can control some symptoms, they cannot manage all as is the case with bipolar disorder.

Borderline personality disorder is difficult to cope with because it can mimic any and all psychiatric disorders, including bipolar disorder...but also schizophrenia, sociopathic, psychopathic, depressed, etc. Typically, there are lies and manipulation involved. There is more self-mutilation (basically, self-mutilators are diagnosed with this) and other self- destructive behaviors.

YES, they can have mood swings, but much faster and more often that ohse with bipolar disorder.

I don't know who answered this, but they are WRONG. Want examples? Go look up famous people with each disorder. You'll see....good luck!

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borderline personality disorder

Not by a longshot.....Borderline personality disorder is a personality disorder that involves the thought processes of the individual who has it. There is no chemical component and, although meds can control some symptoms, they cannot manage all as is the case with bipolar disorder.

Borderline personality disorder is difficult to cope with because it can mimic any and all psychiatric disorders, including bipolar disorder...but also schizophrenia, sociopathic, psychopathic, depressed, etc. Typically, there are lies and manipulation involved. There is more self-mutilation (basically, self-mutilators are diagnosed with this) and other self- destructive behaviors.

YES, they can have mood swings, but much faster and more often that ohse with bipolar disorder.

I don't know who answered this, but they are WRONG. Want examples? Go look up famous people with each disorder. You'll see....good luck!

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