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The function of skin oils is to keep the skin hydrated so it doesn't dry out also some of the oils being released are excess amounts and need to be excreted

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The function of skin oils is to keep the skin hydrated so it doesn't dry out also some of the oils being released are excess amounts and need to be excreted

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Some oils need to be distilled to remove impurities, excess water, or unwanted compounds from the oil. Distillation helps to purify the oil and concentrate its beneficial properties.

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It could dry it out, causing split ends, but it really wouldn't hurt it (as in making it fall out or anything like that). --- If you wash your hair everyday, it will damage it. Using excess shampoo strips your hair of all the natural oils it needs.

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All plants store oil such as olive oil in their seeds. The excess energy that is available is used by plants to make glycerol and fatty acids.

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Use clean and clear blackhead facewash. This product cleans all excess oil off your face. if your face gets oily during the day, carry blotting paper, and blot your face to rid it of excess oils. Blotting paper works very well.

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