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the Chinese eat


, is plain porridge, salted egg,and some kind of vegtable

lunch,rice or noddles with vegtables

dinner same as lunch except heavier and hot pot

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the Chinese eat


, is plain porridge, salted egg,and some kind of vegtable

lunch,rice or noddles with vegtables

dinner same as lunch except heavier and hot pot

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Lunch is a necessary meal, but a heavy lunch can drastically reduce productivity for the rest of the day. Thankfully, lunch recipes are often the easiest to lighten up. Getting full at lunch on fewer fat and calories can be easy and delicious.

Salads are a great option for lunch, but for many the pain of cutting and chopping is too daunting. A great solution is to make up several different salads at the beginning of the week, and then store them in the refrigerator in mason jars. The key is to put the dressing and heavier or wetter toppings on the bottom and the greens on top. Then simply shake and eat.

Wraps are also an easy, filling lunch option. There are a variety of lunch recipes that include lean proteins and vegetables. This adds nutrition and keeps the palate from getting bored.

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have lunch

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We did not take our lunch.

We have not had our lunch.

We have not taken lunch.

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What did you have for lunch. It makes much more sense than what did you had for lunch.

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