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A layout (or stretched position) is one of the three most common flipping positions in men's gymnastics. It occurs when the gymnast's body is straight without bent legs while flipping. A pike position occurs when the gymnast's legs are straight, but the hips are bent at a 90 degree angle to the gymnast's torso while flipping. A tuck position occurs when the gymnast's legs are bent 90 degrees (from thigh to calf) and the gymnast's legs are at a 90 degree angle to the gymnast's torso.

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A layout (or stretched position) is one of the three most common flipping positions in men's gymnastics. It occurs when the gymnast's body is straight without bent legs while flipping. A pike position occurs when the gymnast's legs are straight, but the hips are bent at a 90 degree angle to the gymnast's torso while flipping. A tuck position occurs when the gymnast's legs are bent 90 degrees (from thigh to calf) and the gymnast's legs are at a 90 degree angle to the gymnast's torso.

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A layout (or stretched position) is one of the three most common flipping positions in men's gymnastics. It occurs when the gymnast's body is straight without bent legs while flipping. A pike position occurs when the gymnast's legs are straight, but the hips are bent at a 90 degree angle to the gymnast's torso while flipping. A tuck position occurs when the gymnast's legs are bent 90 degrees (from thigh to calf) and the gymnast's legs are at a 90 degree angle to the gymnast's torso.

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