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I would do it like this: "Nontraditional students put extra effort into learning; they realize the value of it."

I would add a word, making a clause: Nontraditional students put extra effort into learning when they realize the value of it."

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I would do it like this: "Nontraditional students put extra effort into learning; they realize the value of it."

I would add a word, making a clause: Nontraditional students put extra effort into learning when they realize the value of it."

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Faber told him that their were Harvard ,degrees students and he actually saw Harvard ,degree students.

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I feel that I can support students in reaching their full potential. I feel that i can help students bring out the best in themselves I am patient and realize that everyone learns differently- I am willing to find out how each of my students learns best. I realize that my role is not to dump all my knowledge into my students, but my role is to help my students discover the answers for themselves. I need to give them the tools to find the answers they'll seek through out their lives. I consider myself a life-long learner and I am confident that I can help my students discover the excitement of learning.

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students think they can do whatever they want but the life ahead is what they have to plan for and they don't realize they don't got much time to be a kid anymore and they need to plan ahead of themselfs

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You realize of course that nobody can answer this without knowing who the author is and where he says that students should do this. I tend to agree, but my reasons may not be the same as his, so neither I or anyone can answer your question.

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