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Sand-sized particles, like sand grains and small pebbles, are usually moved by saltation. These particles are lifted and carried by the wind in short, intermittent jumps before falling back to the ground.

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Sand-sized particles, like sand grains and small pebbles, are usually moved by saltation. These particles are lifted and carried by the wind in short, intermittent jumps before falling back to the ground.

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In transverse waves, particles move perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation, creating a side-to-side displacement. In surface water waves, particles move in circular orbits, with the water surface rising and falling as the wave passes. This circular motion of particles allows energy to be transmitted horizontally across the surface of the water.

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1. Falling Temperatures

2. Water vapour in the air

3. Condensation nuclei-tiny particles of duct, soot, etc.

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1. Falling Temperatures

2. Water vapour in the air

3. Condensation nuclei-tiny particles of duct, soot, etc.

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When a body is conducting, its mobility of ions( valence) is responsible for conduction. As mobility increase, conduction increase. That's why falling temperature reduce it and rising temperature increase it.

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