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The location of Misiones was a combination of political needs of land control and or by location of water sources and other natural resources.

Missions was a system implemented by the Spanish Crown to advance the area under control by Spain. Establishing a Mission had to be done following the Discovery and Exploration Ordinances issued by Spain to rule discovery and settlements of land in the new continent.

Systems of land control including Missions and military posts, called Presidios were used. Some of these military garrisons, and Misiones later on became towns such as Presidio Texas, and perhaps Mission Texas, both located along the Rio Grande River. The location of Missions responded to the needs of land control by the Crown and are usually located close to rivers.

The Missions in San Antonio TX are an example of locations along a river path.

More laws for land control and creation of human settlements are compiled in the 1680 Compilation of the Laws of the Indies issued by the King of Spain to rule the American lands under Spanish control. (Recopilacion de las Leyes de los Reynos de las Indias, Mandadas Imprimir Y publicar por la Magestad Catolica del Rey Don Carlos II, Nuestro Senor, Impresion hecha por orden del Real Supremo del Consejo de las Indias' Madrid, Espana,: Graficas Ultra).

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