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Q: Is is possible to have a square pyramid faces are triangles?
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Is it possible if someone draws a square pyramid with faces that are triangles?

Yes a square based pyramid will have 4 triangular faces.

Is it possible for a square pyramid to have all faces that are triangles?

No because it has a square base and 4 triangular faces

Are all faces of a square pyramid triangles?

4 faces are triangles and 1 face is a square the square face is the base of the pyramid

Is it possible that a square pyramid can have all faces triangles?

All except the base, which is a square.

You have five faces four of your faces are triangles what are you?

Square Pyramid

What are the shapes of each of the faces of a square pyramid?

there are 4 triangles in a square pyramid.

How many triangles are there in a square pyramid?

A square based pyramid has 4 triangular faces.

Do a square pyramid has triangles as the face?

Yes a square based pyramid has triangular faces

What shapes are the faces of a square pyramid?

A square pyramid has a square base and four congruent triangular faces.

How do you make a square pyramid?

Your base is a square and the other faces are triangles.

What are the name of faces of a square pyramid?

4 triangles and 1 square

How many shape of faces does a square pyramid have?

Two. 4 faces are triangles and the base is a square.