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There are many various moves in figure skating. Here are some examples:

-turns (three turn, loop, rocker, etc.)

-jumps (axel, double sowl, double loop, double flip, double lutz, double toe, triples, quads, singles, etc.)

-spins (sit spin, sit with change of foot, 'ball' sit, 'pancake' sit, 'aframe' sit, camel layback sit, camel sit, flying sit, flying camel, swan spin, haircutter, broken leg, scale spin, etc.)

-field moves (spirak, scale, swan, all backwards, side spiral, scale with arms moving, etc.)



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Q: What are the types of figure skating moves?
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What other types of skating are there?

Some different types of skating are Hockey, Figure Skating, and Speed Skating.

What is the strangest figure skating move called?

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What is the fastest time in figure skating?

Figure skating is not a race, and does not have a fastest time. There is a highest skill, but not a fastest time. Skaters are scored by a panel of judges based on the overall presentation, their execution of moves, and the difficulty of those moves.

Is figure skating the same thing as ballet?

no and yes because figure skating is on ice plus they move around more ballet is on the floor but there is a lot of the same moves.

What are the three types of skating?

there are 7! ringette figure skating ice hockey speed skating recriational skating tour skating biathlathon (or triathlathon i cant remember)

What are the most popular ice skating moves?

There are many popular Figure Skating movements, you can see them on figure skating contests and others Some include the Triple Axel, for pairs, the Carries and Throws. (Add more when possible)

What sport has moves with the names the flip toe loop and sit open?

These moves are jumps and spins in the sport of figure skating.

What are the 4 events in Figure Skating?

mens figure skating, womans figure skating, dance skating, and pair skating

What are 4 events in figure skating?

mens figure skating, womans figure skating, dance skating, and pair skating

What are the three types of figure skating events?

pairs ladies mens dance

What are the nicknames for figure skating?

my friends and i call it skating