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There really is no formula. I took forever to figure out what to do. If you shooting a free throw then go to line make sure you right foot is slightly up further than your left. Now focus of on the goal, don't be worried about your feet now. Once you start moving your hands to shoot you can kinda go up on you tippie toes or jump or anything you perfer. Now bend your knees. Make sure whatever hand you shoot with is on the back and the other kind of supports it on the side. Look at the box behind the goal and aim there! Now you take it up above you head and shoot WITH FORM! Most people think you can just Keep your form until that ball is out of the net! No one cares how stupid you look with your hand in the air if you make it! Now if you are in a play or someone is trying to block you, you have to have this down fast. but while shooting a free thow take your time. Just remember that this might not come naturaly to some people and could take years of practice, even though my dad almost played college ball, I still was pretty bad for a while...just dont give up!

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Q: What is the formula to basketball to shot the basketball and make the shot?
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Known as the Shot Clock, in the NBA, a team has 24 seconds to attempt a shot. In Men's College (NCAA), it is 35 seconds.

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